Day 1-7, an Overview

We decided to do Keto last Monday (June 4) but didn't start until Tuesday June 5, 2018.
Today is day 7, and it just occurred to me to blog this journey because, well, others out there may be wondering about Keto (like we were), or fat (like we are), or want to get healthy (like we do), or for any other number of reasons I may not even know.

Suffice it to say, we want to be healthier. We want to weigh less. We want to not research the size of concert venue seats to decide if we will go or not.
We want to go places, do things, and see amazing sites without wondering if we have to pay extra for a bigger seat, sturdier equipment, or extra ibuprofen the next day because we hurt all the time.

We heard about Keto.
And promptly paid it no attention.

We were Whole 30'ers. We did that  two or three times a year for the past several years.
Of course we couldn't stick with it for the whole year because, well, it's very hard! I mean, we're no strangers to things being difficult...but....we love bread. And we couldn't have that.
And the name itself implies 30 days....then you're free!

I do love the way I feel on Whole 30. I am NOT knocking it. If you've never done it, try it!
For us, my husband and I always felt....lacking...there were so many things we couldn't have, and because I am a picky eater to begin with, I had even less things I could eat. So I ate more meat, more protein, than I should have....and that doesn't help with weight loss. I needed more vegetables on WHole 30. But 'vegetable' to me meant a salad. Period. I got so sick of eating salads.

Not that there's anything wrong with salads....but seriously, anything you eat constantly for 30 days is going to get tedious and boring and OH MY GAWD DO I HAVE TO EAT ANOTHER SALAD?

You get the idea.

Then I found Keto allows fat. And lots of it.

Fat is flavor!

I like fat. Let's do fat!

But let's do fat the *right* way.
Not fat in body, fat in food!

I researched Keto on a Monday, bought a few things we needed to get started, and began on Tuesday.

Today is Tuesday, June 11, 2018, and it is day 7 of our keto lifestyle.
As of this morning I am down 14 lbs.

Yes, I know most of this is water weight. And that's perfectly okay. Yes, I know this will get difficult. And that's okay too.

My point is....and this is a HUGE point for keto.....and by extension for me and the hubs.....

My point is....we don't feel like we are lacking in ANYTHING.

I don't crave sugar. I don't crave bread. I don't crave pizza. And we certainly do not miss anything we are not eating.

Not yet, anyway.

But that is a huge thing! To be on a NOT miss the things you used to eat all the time.

Being allowed fat, good fats, in our diet allows for more variety in what we can eat. It allows for flavor, and along with the right combinations of fat/protein/carbs for each of us, it keeps us full...without snacking...until the next meal.

We save money by not eating out, or eating the wrong things, and eating less overall.

So, as our goal, the husband and I have decided to reward ourselves.
We will save the money we used to use by eating out....and when (not if, but when) we reach our goal of -30% of our starting body weight....we will use those funds and purchase a cruise to Alaska. Something I've wanted to do for 30 years.

Join us. Try the Keto Lifestyle for a year. Come on a cruise with us!
Or not. It's up to you.
You can always just keep reading this blog and see how we are doing, and what we struggle with, or how things have changed for us.
Of course, the year will pass anyway, whether you do keto or not.
Wouldn't you like to be a year into your lifestyle change?


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